
Are you someone who isn’t sleeping well and feel that lack of sleep is adding up? Are you losing your temper at work, with friends or at home? Have you noticed that you are not thinking or acting as quickly as you did and wonder if this relates to your sleep? Are you worried about using medications to help you sleep? Do you feel anxious and depressed because you don’t feel like you are recuperating each night? Have you developed an unhealthy relationship with your sleep?

You’ve tried to sleep.

It’s fair to guess you have already tried to improve your sleep. But, you might be looking for a more targeted approach. Or, you might be looking for someone to help you get into a better pattern more quickly than you can on your own.

Sometimes people feel symptoms like depressed mood, nervousness, lack of attention or irritability are due to sleep problems. We will work together to tease out whether sleep is the cause or consequence of how you feel during the day.

Build a better relation-ship with sleep.

We will create a plan that feels like a fit for you. Treatment strategies can include: cognitive behavioral techniques for insomnia, assessment, cognitive restructuring, nightmare re-scripting, hypnosis, and guided relaxation.

Additionally, as a part of treatment you will have access to booster podcasts, which will address the typical questions and concerns that arise as a part of this treatment.

Remember, sleep is not a bully and it doesn’t benefit from blame. If you would like to schedule a free-15 minute phone consultation click here to access my online availability.